
Comprar nuestra colección

aiming for the perfect balance of style, function and sustainability

Secret pocket

Anti-theft pocket keeps keys or wallet safe but easily accessible.

Separate laptop sleeve

Funda extraíble para portátil (hasta 16").
Compras una mochila pero obtienes dos bolsas independientes.

Very spacious

OCEAN roll-top (Up to 30L, good for 3-5 days of travel) or OCEAN roll-top compact (Up to 21L, good for 2-3 days of travel): Choose your size!
Never wonder again "Does it fit?"

Trolley strap

Easy traveling with the suitcase strap on the back of the backpack, you can attach your OCEAN roll-top (or its compact version) firmly and securely to a trolley suitcase - so every trip becomes like a walk in the park.


Everything stays safe and dry inside your OCEAN backpack.

Producción responsable

No sólo queremos producir mochilas bonitas, funcionales y de alta calidad, sino también actuar de forma responsable con el medio ambiente y la sociedad. Más información sobre nuestra producción aquí.

BAGS protecting the oceans

La basura abandonada o desechada en playas y riberas acaba en el océano, sumándose a la ya enorme contaminación por plásticos de nuestros mares. Una vez que el plástico está en el océano es bastante difícil recuperarlo. Recogemos los residuos plásticos antes de que lleguen a los océanos, los reciclamos y fabricamos con ellos tu nueva bolsa.

your bag for all adventures!

We have the perfect size for you


Explore your city with a new perspective !


Made from >90% recycled ocean bound plastic

our promise to you and our planet is certified and controlled

collecting plastic waste creates jobs for the poor

We need to act now

8 million tonnes of plastic enter our oceans every year. This plastic affects us all: its in our water, our animals and in us. Something has to be done! Prevention and cleaning is the key to it as well as building up supply chains that allows to recycle plastic in an economical as well as sustainable manner and values plastic trash as the valuable source of resources as it is.

De la basura al tesoro

It all starts with collecting and catching plastic on coasts and rivers where this waste is bound to end up in the oceans. For this, we have teamed up with the NGO Plastics for Change, which has been fighting against plastic pollution in India for many years (see box below to learn more about PFC). This plastic waste is sorted, cleaned and finally shredded into flakes before new yarn and then a robust, durable fabric is woven from it, which we use to make our bags.

our promise to you and our planet is certified and controlled

Este proceso de reciclaje no sólo ayuda a mantener limpios los océanos. También ayuda a reducir los gases de efecto invernadero y proteger nuestro clima. Porque: una tonelada de plástico reciclado ahorra 2 toneladas de petróleo crudo y hasta 1,6 toneladas de CO2, que se producirían con la fabricación de plástico nuevo.


Hay mucho marketing y las afirmaciones pueden ser engañosas. Además, son necesarias directrices estrictas para los proveedores de materiales con el fin de descartar a las ovejas negras. Para garantizar que cada eslabón de la cadena de suministro cumple con su obligación de respetar la norma, es necesario que toda la cadena de valor, desde el primer residuo de plástico hasta el proceso de producción, se ajuste a la norma. cadena de valor completa, desde el primer residuo de plástico hasta el envío del producto a nuestros clientes, es auditada por una organización independiente y neutral. Nuestra promesa ¡ promesa a usted y a nuestro planeta está certificada y controlada!


Estamos orgullosos de ser la primera empresa de bolsas con un con una cadena de suministro totalmente certificada y transparente.


1. Does the recycled material make my backpack less durable than if it had been made with new plastic?

  • Basically, the quality of the material in the manufacture of backpacks from recycled ocean bound plastic is a challenge. Due to environmental influences such as solar radiation or salty sea water, the material loses its quality, can become brittle and then only be recycled in a correspondingly inferior quality. This often occurs with stiff fabrics. Unlike other backpack brands, we use a flexible but abrasion-resistant fabric that has been developed for us, which does not break and is therefore very durable.

2. Why do you focus on the oceans? What about other environmental issues?

  • To stop littering the oceans has a multitude of positive effects on our planet. We protect marine life that for example gets caught in plastic waste or ingest plastic as supposed food, then cannot digest it and die on a “full stomach”. But we also protect ourselves - because we ingest microplastics from the oceans through the food chain.
    Researchers also suspect that microplastics in the nutrient cycle of algae have negative effects on the climate. Because: Algae - more precisely phytoplankton - use sunlight, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water to produce organic material in the photosynthesis process. This is what they feed on. Researchers fear that microplastics as supposed food inhibits this process. That could have enormous effects on our climate, because what many do not know: The phytoplankton in the oceans use about as much carbon dioxide as the land plants on the continents. Hence, it plays an important role in regulating our climate.
    Our recycling approach not only helps to keep the oceans clean and this marine ecosystem intact. Recycling also helps to reduce greenhouse gases overall and thus protect our climate. Because: one ton of recycled plastic saves 2 tons of crude oil and up to 1.6 tons of CO2, which would be used in the production of new plastic.
    Our high quality standards in materials and craftsmanship ensure that our backpacks and bags have a long life ahead of them. This saves resources and the environment. "Don't buy more, buy better" has been our philosophy since inception.
    We also save CO2 through our regional supply chain: all steps from plastic waste collection to recycling, yarn production, weaving to the final bag production take place regionally in India.
    In addition, we promote an understanding of garbage as a valuable source of raw materials among the Indian population. The fact that we pay people to collect rubbish leads to a rethink which in turn counteracts the indifferent disposal of rubbish in the environment.

3. Why do you use Ocean Bound Plastic and not fish the plastic out of the sea?

  • If cost weren't an issue, much more plastic would be recycled on earth. We want to make the greatest possible positive impact for our oceans and the environment by recycling ocean plastic. There are two main goals for us:

    1. We want to stop littering our oceans;

    2. We want to offer a good product at a price that is affordable for everyone.


    Only then will the amount of backpacks and bags sold create a real effect on our planet.


    Plastic waste that is today lying on the banks of rivers or beaches and is relatively inexpensive to collect (this is the so-called "Ocean Bound Plastic"), will be on the ocean ground tomorrow, where it can only be recovered with a great deal of effort and expense. Isn’t it smarter to collect the waste today then?


    In addition, plastic waste that has swam in the sea for a long time loses its quality due to environmental influences such as solar radiation or salt water and cannot be recycled so well for the production of a high-quality bag. That also drives up costs.


    With our approach of using ocean bound plastic, we achieve ocean protection at lower costs. These lower costs we pass on to our customers in the form of lower sales prices.

    Con este enfoque conseguimos nuestros objetivos 1 y 2 y, por tanto, el mayor impacto posible en nuestro planeta.

4. Where does the plastic for my Fitz & Huxley come from?

  • In the spirit of a regional approach that reduces transport routes and thus the emission of greenhouse gases, our clean-up has to be in India, where our backpacks and bags are manufactured.
    For our clean-up on the delta of the Netravati River on the Indian Ocean, we have teamed up with the NGO Plastics for Change, which has been fighting against plastic pollution in India for many years.

5. Why is the certification of the Ocean Bound Plastic supply chain so important?

  • There is a lot of marketing buzz out there and the claims can be misleading. In addition, strict guidelines for material suppliers are necessary in order to rule out black sheep. The NGO Zero Plastic Oceans has therefore created a certification standard that defines what "ocean plastic" or "ocean bound plastic" is and the conditions under which its recycling has positive impact on our oceans. In addition, Zero Plastic Oceans has established control standards (such as the traceability of the origin of plastic waste) along the entire supply chain. To ensure that every part of the supply chain adheres to its obligation to comply with the standard, the entire value chain, from the first piece of plastic waste to the shipping of the product to our customers, is audited. This is where Control Union comes into play, taking on this control as an independent, neutral organization.
    We are proud to have built the world's first fully certified Ocean Bound Plastic supply chain for bags and backpacks.

what our customers say

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